Dogs who drool might shower your arm with loving slobber and leave forget-me-not wet spots on your clothes when they come over to say hello. Question is, what can Boston Bull Terriers’ parents expect with drooling?
Do Boston Terriers drool? Boston Bull Terriers have a low drooling tendency in comparison. Although, they are likely to drool when nervous or excited, from car sickness, or an upset stomach.
Let’s see when your pooch is likely to drool and if there are any health concerns related to this behaviour.
Do Boston Terriers Drool?
Unlike their English Bulldog ancestor (who has a very high drooling tendency), Boston Terries are not prone to excess dribbling.
Drooling typically occurs in breeds that have:
- droopy lips,
- and/or large jaws such as Saint Bernards or Mastiffs.
- But also in dogs who belong to the brachycephalic breed, like the Boston Terrier.
Alongside French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, Pugs and Boxers, Boston Terriers have pressed-in snouts and shorter nasal passages (commonly referred to as a “flat face”).
Even though Boston’s have droopy lips, which tend to leak saliva and can cause them to snort, snore, reverse sneeze… drooling is not typical for the American Gentleman (good news!).
Although this doesn’t mean it will never happen. Pay attention to your furry friend for any behaviour or habit that’s out of the norm, as this may be an indication of something else.

How Much Do Boston Terriers Drool?
For dog parents like me who like to keep things as neat as possible, getting a dog who rates low in the drool and shed departments is a sweet deal. And with Boston Terriers, you are in luck!
Bostons dog owners are less likely to worry about their pooch slobbering over them and leaving wet spots on their floor; plus, they also have low shedding tendency.
However, there are always exceptions to the rule. In the end, the amount of drooling is unique to the individual, regardless of belonging to a dog breed who is not prone to drool.
Who knows, your pooch might be able to blow a slobber bubble which hangs off the side of their mouth!
On a positive note, your Boston is not likely to drool rivers like Beethoven (the Saint Bernard movie star, of course ;)).
When Do Boston Terriers Drool?
There are some everyday situations when Boston Terriers are more likely to drool:
- Car sickness: Motion sickness is common for some dogs. Your pooch can especially feel nauseated when going to the vet by car (= motion sickness + anxiety). To make your car journey easier, head over to the Travel Carrier Training post!
- Anxiety or nervousness: This can be a trigger for some dogs, regardless of their breed. Check Boston Terrier Separation Anxiety – 16 Things that Help and Boston Terrier Fears and Anxiety – Triggers and Remedies blog posts.
- Excessive exercise: If you notice your pooch drooling during exercise, it most likely means your Boston is overheated. Take a break and cool your dog down with water in a shady place. Avoid exercising your Boston Terrier during hot weather; go for early morning or late evening walks, instead of midday walks.
Also, if your Boston Terrier is food-motivated, you might find him drooling while he’s closely watching you eat something that smells amazing 🙂
However, hyper-salivation can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
Continue reading to find our more.

When Is Drooling A Cause For Alarm?
Drooling (unintentional saliva flowing outside of the mouth), can be normal or a sign of a health problem.
Since Boston Terriers are not big droolers, pay close attention to his behaviour if he suddenly starts to dribble. If you notice any change in your pooch’s drooling habit, you should get in touch with your vet as soon as possible.
Here are some reasons why your Boston Bull could be drooling excessively, which is not a healthy sign:
- Teeth problems (periodontal disease, tooth decay, gum infections, etc.): Tarter buildup, for instance, can rub against the inside of your dog’s lip, causing him to drool. It’s very important to keep your Boston’s gums and teeth healthy with a regular dental checkup and oral hygiene. For a step-by-step guide on brushing your furry friend’s teeth, head over to How to Brush Boston Terrier Teeth.
- Heatstroke: This is very common in brachycephalic breeds, which are at a higher risk for this possibly life-threatening condition due to their facial structure. Since they are unable to cool themselves as efficiently as other dogs would, they are prone to overheating. Call your vet right away if you suspect heatstroke – it can be dangerous. In Boston Terrier Care in Summer – 8 Tips to Prevent Overheating blog post, I discuss the appropriate precautions you can take during hot temperatures.
- Organ disease: Liver and kidney diseases, for example, can cause drooling. Regular check-ups can prevent these, or at least they can be spotted earlier.
- Poisonous plants: Common house and garden plants like Dracaena, Tulips, Azaleas, and Chrysanthemums can make your dog drool and also get sick. Either keep the plants out of reach or avoid having them at home. For a list of poisonous plants, consult the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
- Toxic foods: Drooling can be a sign that your Boston Terrier has ingested a toxic substance. In most cases of poisoning, vomiting, diarrhoea, and seizures may accompany drooling. Common human foods like chocolate, grapes and avocado are dangerous for your pooch. Boston Terrier Nutrition has a complete list of toxic foods for dogs; this is very important information for you and your bestie.
- Stomach aches: Dogs can easily get stomach aches by ingesting objects. This can cause nausea, discomfort and pain. Some vets report pulling some strange items from dog’s stomachs, like tennis balls and socket wrenches! Bostons can be mouthy, so keep away any harmful items since they won’t think about chewing or/and swallowing them beforehand.
- Upper respiratory infections: Drooling can also be a sign of nose or throat infection. There’s a higher risk to this if your Boston Terrier lives at home with other pets.
In conclusion, you know your dog better than anyone. So, if your pooch has an increase in salivation, or/and is acting strange (not being his usual self), it’s time to pay your vet a visit.

How to Treat Excessive Drooling?
There are a few approaches to treat or deal with excessive drooling:
- Absorbent mat: Food anticipation can cause dribbling. Placing an absorbent mat underneath his water and food bowls helps to contain the mess. There are also some dog food bowl solutions like elevated feeders and no-spill feeders to keep feeding time neater.
- Bandana: A cotton bandana for dogs can help catch the excess drool, preventing your dog’s chest and front legs getting wet.
- Surgery: This is an invasive solution that should be discussed with your vet due to the risks involved.